S/S 14
S/S14BY21iNDiViDUALS rediscovers the boundaries of individual freedom. Each individual takes his own path. We accept the struggle we face. We try, we fail, we try harder; we grow stronger. In the collection every individual of this generation is accentuated trough special dyeing and painting techniques. We are breaking new ground.
S/S14BY21iNDiViDUALS was presented during Amsterdam Fashion Week, July 2013 - Photography by Peter Stigter.
Young creatives
Martijn Brinkman / Ella Brouwer / Martine Coehorst / Lisette Gerrits / Sannah Harman / Joelle Hoogstraten / Joanne de Hoop / Nina Kramer / Maxime de Kroon / Schirin Negahbani / Tessa Pauw / Maartje Peeters /Justin Rahantoknam / Maria Angelica Vargas Ripa / Noelle van Ruiten / Germaine Scheers / Lisa Seibel / Arielle van der Vaart / Dewi Vermeltvort / Rana Verwey / Anouk Wijermars