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After a 10 month break, AMFI’s fashion label iNDiViDUALS is back and ready to change the industry.


Amsterdam based label iNDiViDUALS has returned with a future-thinking format to challenge the traditional fashion system. After close analysis of the current industry standards, the brand now works to a formula that both impacts the end product, and the student’s ways of working.

iNDiViDUALS, which used to highlight every season with a complete catwalk show, including press and influencers seated front row, is now focusing on delivering one single product instead of 30 looks. Each semester, the product will be a creation that culminates from in-depth research and development and aims to be as sustainable and transparent as possible.


During every season, or ‘Generation’, 3rd and 4th year students from all AMFI departments -10 fashion designers, 10 management and 10 branding students - work together to continue the label’s legacy. The course provides students with an unmatched experience for endeavours post-graduation.

“Nobody knows what the future will look like, but all acknowledge that the fashion industry needs to change if it is to sustain at all”, says Charlotte Lokin, head of iNDiViDUALS. “By reconstructing iNDiViDUALS we hope to come up with a reality school format that allows for questioning, exploring and challenging current industry standards as well as develop new takes on what the fashion industry could be. New perspectives and new approaches are needed, and iNDiViDUALS hopes to be the fertile ground necessary for growing change makers.”

Generation25 wants to make a creative statement that will reflect this new direction. Our goal is to assess the building blocks of the industry and place iNDiViDUALS as its finest blueprint. There are many flaws within the industry. iNDiViDUALS is here to change things up.



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