S/S 07
The individual characters of the designers are statements in this very personal collection. Diversity is the core of the collection Summer '07. Layered like the characters of a human; a person with various faces. At one moment stubborn but at another sweet. An angry young girl looking into the world from under het pony. A poetic protest. Silent and strong.
'INDIVIDUALS' was presented during Amsterdam International Fashion Week, July 2006 - Photography by Peter Stigter.
Young creatives
Priscilla Wisman / Kelly de Winter / Suzy van der Velden / Evelien Stoelwinder / Mijke van ’t Slot / Gina Sanches / Aneliya Nedkova / Rona ten Hove / Marieke Houweling / Rudolph Holmond / Aline Hart / Anouk Frishert / Merel Dral / Lisette Brons / Willemijn Bos / Avital Berger / Wouter Baartmans