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13.04.2020 – 20.04.2020


Be part of iNDiViDUALS STUDIO’s creation process from home! Learn four revitalized craft skills and bring your old garments back to life! 

Lockdown? Social distancing? - We are living in difficult times right now. Simultaneously, we can use this time efficiently to reconnect, to support each other and to remember what is truly important and makes us joyful.

It is time to make things happen!

Even if our possibilities are restricted under these circumstances, we would like you to impact our creation process, online. It does not matter where you are, who you are or how skilled you are, we can act as a community by crafting the change the world needs. Learn and apply the craft skills we explored. You can use the tools that you have at home. We would like to show you how to dye and print with food leftovers, make new fabrics by weaving old t-shirts and mend broken garments with embroidery techniques.





JOIN US ONLINE AND LET'S WORK          apart          TOGETHER!





In these turbulent times, the fashion industry is facing profound issues which impact the global economy. Production is slowing and, in some cases, even shutting down. Supply chains are interrupted, resulting in a global increase of unemployment. In response, we believe that a local creation process can help us support each other while protecting essential resources. It is time to re-think our consumer behaviour and to rediscover what we have in our wardrobe. 

Besides, community integration and community involved design have been important principles from the early stages of i28. Despite having to make compromises due to COVID-19 and not being able to create a physical communal atmosphere, we believe that the unified joy and appreciation of craft is achievable even without. Though physically apart, bound even closer by the shared state of uncertainty. We hope to inspire you through our shared knowledge of handcrafts, then in turn be inspired from the resulting response. We see this not as a setback, but as an opportunity to bring joy and hope in this time of crisis.



Get inspired by four craft skills our designers provide and bring your broken and unused garments back to life. Sign up to receive further information on how to collaborate with us, exclusive access to our craft instructions and to receive a link to the LIVESTREAM where we will work together!

PS: Please send in your creations digitally throughout the week! Our goal is to create a documentary in the end to showcase how we - as a community – made it happen, collaborated and shared knowledge around craft and everything that it allows with or without the luxury of meeting up physically. We would like to incorporate our overall findings of this event in our further creation process.

Stay tuned for the end result!




13.04.2020 – 20.04.2020




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Thanks for submitting!

DATE: Monday the 13th of April, 2020


Text by: Marika Hanschke, Yongju Jun Edit: Isabel Visser, Jimmy Blankestijn

Visual edit by: Desi Beentjes, Nicky Eering

Video edit by: Brume
Music by : @nayz.iv

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